
Showing posts from June, 2012

Click My Link! June 21, 2012 Edition

Ebook articles abound! From the Digital Shift:  All Hat, No Cattle: A Call for Libraries to Transform Before It's Too Late . Jamie LaRue outlines four streams of e-content that libraries need to address: mainstream commercial publishing, independent and midlist publishing, local history, and self-publishing. And as for stealing profit from the front list, "we don’t steal sales; we generate them." Ebooks now outsell hardcover print books . A few articles about Penguin's deal with two New York library systems to offer ebooks on a limited basis: Libraries Cut Ebook Deal with Penguin Penguin to Pilot Library E-Book Lending Program in New York, Windowing Front-List Titles In other news:  Why Amazon's Rumored Retail Bookstore Will Be Huge From the Atlantic , The Incredible Resilience of Books . Although I'm not sure who's going around suggesting that the written word is going to become obsolete? Reading Rainbow is back! As an app!? There a...