
Showing posts from September, 2014

Click My Link: September 30, 2014

National Book Foundation names its 5 under 35 . (I miss the list on technical AND merit grounds) The Harry Potter collection record goes to.... Gilmore Girls reading inspired challenge. The finalists for the Kirkus Prize are in . Guardian books talks music memoirs . The David Bowie book trysts Fall/Winter First books. Annoyed Librarian takes on guns in libraries . Just for fun: Get your Batman stamps! Infographic: A guide to Star Trek uniforms

Click My Link: September 25, 2014

Are you ready for the 31 horror films in 31 days challenge? Band books and Banned books! Authors to ask for DOJ probe of Amazon. The Top 10 walks in books. AZ booksellers and libraries sue over new "revenge porn" law.

Click My Link: September 15, 2014

Good Morning and Happy Monday!  Let's see what's been going on around the internet. New Harry Potter covers in the UK are creating a stir . (I kinda like them!) The PEW report on younger Americans and libraries. Infographic: Reading is good for you. New Dr. Seuss stories found. Infographic: How long does it take to read popular books? 5 Juv and YA books that transcend the age label 50 Romantic novels for people who hate romance novels . (not the same thing, but a list is a list!)

Click My Link: September 4, 2014

Read about what was happening in the Ferguson library , and where they're going from here. Wolverine is going to die (and stay dead for at least a year!) The Lazy Buggers Guide to the Man Booker longlist Penguin Random House consolidates the adult imprints Syfy "greenlights" Clarke's Childhood's End " for a miniseries. Gaiman's " Hansel & Gretel " tapped for film. Looking to recommend and/or read some historical fantasy? The Guardian publishes unreleased chapter of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory . Happy Thursday!

Click My Link: September 2, 2014

Good morning and Happy September!  If you're like me, you'll use this as a little reminder to flip your paper calendars. Samsung is for real (right now) about books. First, announcing it was going into the reading device business with B&N and now, sponsoring the Frankfurt book fair. R.L. Stein to re-boot Fear Street . How dark is "too dark" in children's books? Who doesn't love this year's "Geek of the year"?   10 of the worst jobs in literature Florida Polytechnic University opens a "bookless" library . (with ebooks. which are still books....) The Tim Howard book is coming. (hooray!) Somehow, I missed that Bruce Springsteen wrote a children's book. Just for fun: Firefly funko toys! How NYC would respond to an actual Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man attack . You know how much I love the good people at Thug Notes, right?  Here is their take on something more recent: The Hunger Games. Have a good Tuesda...