Click My Link: June 13, 2013

Good Morning, Collection Reflection-ers!  Finally, after many conferences and illnesses, I'm back!   Happy Thursday.  Let's have some links!

Zadie Smith fights the good fight against the false choice of career vs. family.

DBW explains the recent spike in bestseller ebooks prices.

In the UK, self published books are 20% of the genre fic market.

Werewolf erotica is NOT pornography (according to a California appeals court) Read the decision here.

The complete book list from NPR's backseat bookclub.

Philip Pullman ventures to the dark side on ebook loans. (UK model vs. US model and PLR)

Fascinating article about the library at Guantanamo Bay prison.

The changing face of high school reading lists.

Help save a Timbuktu library

BBC America announces a 4 part documentary series on Science Fiction.  (just when I was contemplating getting rid of cable again....)

E-readers don't cut down on reading comprehension 

Expanding the audiobook market beyond commuters.

When the news boosted book sales.

Goodbye, Iain Banks.


10 of the Greatest Debut SF/F novels.

13 things learned from Judy Blume's "Ask Me Anything"

Just for fun:

Choose Your Own Adventure : movies?

2 new posters for the latest movie in the Percy Jackson franchise


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