Click My Link: November 26, 2012

An interview with Simon Tolkien.

Salon asks an interesting question: Has the Apocalypse Gone the Way of Vampires?

Flavorwire talks 10 TV Shows better than the books they were based on. This should be interesting...

Attention copyright nerds: Another fair use victory for libraries.

Harpercollins launches digital-only YA imprint.

The Guardian asks: Which books could lure a 13 year old boy from his Xbox? (what about a 31 year old boy? I'm asking for a friend...)

Filed under Very Cool: From the archive, Mary Shelley on the origins of Frankenstein.

Futurebook interviews Charlie Redmayne, CEO of Pottermore.

The Digital Reader talks about "The Merger Apocalypse."

And, just for fun:

I am APPALLED that the Game of Thrones/Seinfeld mashup made me laugh my fool head off. But, it did.

Happy Monday!


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