Click My Link: December 18, 2012

Happy Tuesday! Have some news:

Brilliance Audio (digital not available in libraries) enters print and ebook market with new imprint.

The 2012 "I Love My Librarian" Winners! Congrats!

Baker & Taylor expands its collection management team.

Ebrary adds more foreign language content, publishers.

Don't Hide Your Harlequins: In Defense of Romance.

NPR talks Best Romances of 2012

Everything is bigger in...Seattle? Their 25 top books of 2012!

The snark is great, but there is news here too: Simon & Schuster agrees to sell ONE ebook title to libraries.

Just for fun:

72 years of the Batman Logo (fascinating!)

Why IS there a "b" in the word doubt?

And before you see The Hobbit, some theaters showing a commercial for Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time. Pretty good marketing, that.


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