Tips for Weeding Your Reference Collection
If you are responsible for collection development in just about any size or kind of library, the chances are good that there's been a recent push to reduce the size of your print reference collection.* Print reference materials are, to use a regional expression, wicked expensive. They are also being used less and less as librarians turn to databases and patrons turn to the immediate gratification of the internet. As budgets decline and libraries look to use their space in new and creative ways, physical reference collections are obvious targets for heavy weeding. Here at my library, we are reducing our reference collection by 50%. At our branches, reference collections will be cut by 75% . . . this time around. So where do you start when you are lucky enough to get the assignment to chop chop chop?
Before You Begin
Get a firm idea of how much the administration wants to reduce the reference collection. Survey the collection and determine how much you're going to have to weed to get it to that point. Review your library's collection development policy--you may actually be unable to weed some items, such as those related to local history. Some parts of the reference collection may provide greater or smaller opportunities for weeding, depending on how they were developed in the past and how much time-sensitive material they hold. Understand that--unless your task is to do away with the reference collection entirely--this will probably not be the last time you have to go through this process, so make notes as you go along.
Weeding reference materials can be tricky because there are no circulation stats to show that the items are being used or how often. Therefore if you can get an idea of what your patrons actually use, you'll have an advantage. If you have some time to accomplish the weeding project, start keeping track of what materials patrons and staff are using by using a "count use" function in your ILS or by keeping tabs in an Excel spreadsheet. Make sure that all items taken from the shelves are counted before they go back. You might also ask some regular patrons what they use and what they would like to have (without giving away that you're about to decimate the collection). The same goes for your co-workers; they may have reference sources that they regularly use and would be disappointed to find missing.
In my (urban, public) library, patrons regularly use the Hill-Donnelly street index, books of names, and the dictionary and thesaurus. These are the items that they have to come to the desk to get or are always out on the tables at the end of the day, so we know they're getting used. Keep in mind that most libraries are not research libraries with historical collections--there is no point in keeping outdated materials that are not being used by your patrons and co-workers. On the flip side, not everything has to be replaced or removed just because there's a digital option. If you have the space to keep reference materials, keep what's useful to your patrons and your staff.
Also helpful:
General Tips
I'm focusing on public libraries here, because that's what I know, but hopefully what I'm saying here will translate. Feel free to add a comment if you have information to share.
Should I Weed This Item?
You're holding a reference book in your hand. That book was ordered by someone else, many years ago, for a purpose you can't possibly fathom. This doesn't necessarily mean that it should automatically be weeded. Check to see what other libraries in your consortium (or libraries with a similar size and demographic makeup) still own that book. Check whether more updated information on that topic is available in the reference collection or in your own circulating collection. Ask yourself "is it worse to have nothing on this topic and to have people go to the reference desk, or to have completely outdated information?" Use the Public Library Catalog to get a sense of what items are considered "canon."
A lot of weeding, especially in the reference collection, comes down to common sense. For example, weed anything that:
Keep it in the Library, but Not in the Reference Collection
Some items are still useful, but don't need to stay in the reference collection. Move to the circulating collection those items that people might actually want to check out and take home, but which have been traditionally considered strictly reference:
Reference Must-Haves, a Subjective List Compiled with the Aid of Twitter
*Several of the librarians I asked about "must-haves" indicated that they no longer had any reference collection at all. If you're one of them, feel free to comment here on how that came about.
Before You Begin
Get a firm idea of how much the administration wants to reduce the reference collection. Survey the collection and determine how much you're going to have to weed to get it to that point. Review your library's collection development policy--you may actually be unable to weed some items, such as those related to local history. Some parts of the reference collection may provide greater or smaller opportunities for weeding, depending on how they were developed in the past and how much time-sensitive material they hold. Understand that--unless your task is to do away with the reference collection entirely--this will probably not be the last time you have to go through this process, so make notes as you go along.
Weeding reference materials can be tricky because there are no circulation stats to show that the items are being used or how often. Therefore if you can get an idea of what your patrons actually use, you'll have an advantage. If you have some time to accomplish the weeding project, start keeping track of what materials patrons and staff are using by using a "count use" function in your ILS or by keeping tabs in an Excel spreadsheet. Make sure that all items taken from the shelves are counted before they go back. You might also ask some regular patrons what they use and what they would like to have (without giving away that you're about to decimate the collection). The same goes for your co-workers; they may have reference sources that they regularly use and would be disappointed to find missing.
In my (urban, public) library, patrons regularly use the Hill-Donnelly street index, books of names, and the dictionary and thesaurus. These are the items that they have to come to the desk to get or are always out on the tables at the end of the day, so we know they're getting used. Keep in mind that most libraries are not research libraries with historical collections--there is no point in keeping outdated materials that are not being used by your patrons and co-workers. On the flip side, not everything has to be replaced or removed just because there's a digital option. If you have the space to keep reference materials, keep what's useful to your patrons and your staff.
Also helpful:
- Review the CREW manual's advice on reference materials (, starting page 33, for tips on how to deal with specific items such as almanacs, encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, and legal forms). Your library may not be able to afford all that they recommend updating, but it's good to see some guidelines for public libraries.
- Follow weeding guidelines for non-reference materials (see Booklist's "Weeding Tips: Shelf by Shelf" for some good, section-specific advice, login required for earlier articles).
General Tips
I'm focusing on public libraries here, because that's what I know, but hopefully what I'm saying here will translate. Feel free to add a comment if you have information to share.
- Go section by section, rather than trying to tackle the entire reference collection at once. "I'm working on the 790s today" sounds so much more achievable, doesn't it?
- Go through the section with a cart and pull items that are obviously outdated, in disrepair, duplicates, have superseding editions adjacent to them, etc. Don't fill more than one cart at once with the material you want to evaluate.
Should I Weed This Item?
A lot of weeding, especially in the reference collection, comes down to common sense. For example, weed anything that:
- Contains the words "modern" or "the present" or "updated" and was published in the 80s or earlier.
- Is a style manual or other guide that does not mention how to cite internet or database sources.
- Is a collectible or antique/stamp/coin/memorabilia pricing guide which is more than 5 years out of date.
- Contains information that people (including librarians) no longer use books to find. For example, I weeded a guide to the Tony Award and one about the Academy Awards, both circa the 1980s, because they were both outdated and obsolete. I also weeded the Thesaurus of Book Digests: 1950-1980, which contained descriptions of different book plots.
- are easy for patrons to find and use,
- make sense for your community's needs,
- are as up to date as possible, and
- need to be located in reference so that they are always available.
A recent edition of a dictionary fits this description. Yes, your patrons could look up a word online. But the overwhelming majority still want that paper dictionary, and it needs to be available to all. In my opinion, anything that doesn't fit these criteria can be weeded or moved to another part of the library.
Keep it in the Library, but Not in the Reference Collection
Some items are still useful, but don't need to stay in the reference collection. Move to the circulating collection those items that people might actually want to check out and take home, but which have been traditionally considered strictly reference:
- Foreign language dictionaries
- Books of quotations
- Recently superseded editions (other than medical)
- Auto repair manuals
Reference Must-Haves, a Subjective List Compiled with the Aid of Twitter
- Dictionaries and a thesaurus
- An atlas
- An encyclopedia (most mentioned World Book)
- The most recent pricing/collectible guides, if your patrons use/request them
- Up to date legal form books (with downloadable/printable forms) and Black's Law Dictionary
- The latest edition of the driver's manual for your state
- Your state constitution and town or city bylaws, rules, codes, and regulations
- Local street maps
- A street list, reverse phone listing, and current phone book
- Style manuals (APA, Chicago Manual of Style, etc.)
- Robert's Rules of Order
- A Bible, a Koran, etc.
- The DSM-IV (soon to be DSM-V) and the Merck Manual
- Statistical Abstract of the United States
- Consumer Reports
- Writer's Market
- The Value Line investment research guide, if your library is already subscribed
- The latest Guinness Book of World Records
- Chase's Calendar of Events
If there's something you'd like to add to this list, please do so below. If you want to contest the inclusion of any item on the list, please do the same.
But one word of advice or maybe just a peeve from the last time we weeded reference. If other staff is weighing in on whether to keep a title (we have everyone MLS look over the carts), require them to actually flip through the thing before making that call. We had some ridiculous stuff put in "Permanently retain" based on a misleading title.
Surprised that people thought Writer's Market should be reference. Really?
We've "liberated" our reference collection ( which means that most of our ref books were either weeded or moved into the circulating collection, and anything can be checked out though we do still have some things in a reference section. It's working really well. We did retain or obtain a handful of things that are kept behind the desk and don't circ like a dictionary, a local atlas, Consumer Reports buying guide, and the Criss Cross directory. I can't think of the last time that I looked for a reference book I really really needed and couldn't find it, or couldn't find the information elsewhere.
A note on the above list - the DSM-IV is set to be replaced by the DSM-V in May.
I basically followed what you have written in this post. We had a lot of outdated/never used materials. We had duplicates in Ref and NF and kept the one in better condition and made it circulating.
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Dan juga saya diberi pilihan apakah saya ingin cek kertas dikirim kepada saya melalui jasa kurir, tetapi saya mengatakan kepada mereka untuk mentransfer uang ke rekening bank saya, karena saya berjanji bahwa saya akan membagikan kabar baik sehingga orang bisa mendapatkan pinjaman mudah tanpa stres atau penundaan.
Yakin dan yakin bahwa ini asli karena saya memiliki semua bukti pemrosesan pinjaman ini termasuk kartu ID, dokumen perjanjian pinjaman, dan semua dokumen. Saya sangat mempercayai Madam ESTHER PATRICK dengan penghargaan dan kepercayaan perusahaan yang sepenuh hati karena dia benar-benar telah membantu hidup saya membayar proyek saya. Anda sangat beruntung memiliki kesempatan untuk membaca kesaksian ini hari ini. Jadi, jika Anda membutuhkan pinjaman, silakan hubungi Madam melalui email: (
Anda juga dapat menghubungi saya melalui email saya di ( jika Anda merasa kesulitan atau menginginkan prosedur untuk mendapatkan pinjaman
Sekarang, yang saya lakukan adalah mencoba untuk memenuhi pembayaran pinjaman bulanan yang saya kirim langsung ke rekening bulanan Nyonya seperti yang diarahkan. Tuhan akan memberkati Nyonya ESTHER PATRICK untuk Segalanya. Saya bersyukur
Saya mengajukan pinjaman 900 juta dengan tingkat bunga 2%, sehingga pinjaman itu disetujui tanpa tekanan dan semua pengaturan dibuat pada transfer kredit, karena fakta bahwa itu tidak memerlukan jaminan dan jaminan untuk pinjaman transfer saya hanya diberitahu untuk mendapatkan sertifikat perjanjian lisensi aplikasi mereka untuk mentransfer kredit saya dan dalam waktu kurang dari 48 jam uang pinjaman telah disetorkan ke rekening bank saya.
Saya pikir itu lelucon sampai saya menerima telepon dari bank saya bahwa akun saya dikreditkan dengan jumlah 900 juta. Saya sangat senang bahwa Allah akhirnya menjawab doa saya dengan memesan pinjaman saya dengan pinjaman asli saya, yang memberi saya keinginan hati saya. mereka juga memiliki tim ahli yang akan memberi tahu Anda tentang jenis bisnis yang ingin Anda investasikan dan cara menginvestasikan uang Anda, sehingga Anda tidak akan pernah bangkrut lagi dalam hidup Anda. Semoga ALLAH memberkati Ny. Helen Wilson untuk membuat hidup saya mudah, jadi saya menyarankan siapa pun yang tertarik mendapatkan pinjaman untuk menghubungi Ny. Helen melalui email: ( untuk Anda pinjaman
Ada perusahaan palsu lain yang menggunakan kesaksian saya secara online untuk mencapai keinginan egois mereka, saya satu-satunya dengan kesaksian yang benar ini, harap berhati-hati terhadap orang-orang ini. Akhirnya saya ingin berterima kasih kepada Anda semua karena telah meluangkan waktu untuk membaca kesaksian sejati hidup saya tentang kesuksesan saya dan saya berdoa Allah akan melakukan kehendak-Nya dalam hidup Anda. Sekali lagi nama saya Yeyes Ristintares, Anda dapat menghubungi saya untuk informasi lebih lanjut melalui email saya:
Saya Edi Sugiarto dari Yogyakarta, Allah telah dikaruniai dua orang anak dan Istri tercinta Linda Fitriawati, saya ingin membagikan kesaksian saya karena ALLAH mencintai saya. Setahun yang lalu saya sangat membutuhkan uang jadi saya berpikir untuk mengambil pinjaman. Kemudian saya bertemu seseorang, orang yang salah mengaku sebagai pemberi pinjaman, dan tidak tahu bahwa itu semua adalah penipuan. Saya ditipu seharga 27 juta Rupiah, dan mereka menolak untuk mentransfer pinjaman saya kepada saya, mereka juga berhenti mengirimi saya email sejak itu. Saya menjadi bingung, seluruh hidup saya hilang. Istri saya jatuh sakit dan ada tagihan rumah sakit yang harus dibayar jutaan, yang saya pikirkan saat ini hanya bunuh diri, teman saya bernama Santoso datang menemui saya pada hari yang naas itu, dia juga menjadi korban penipuan, dia memberi tahu saya tentang konferensi yang diselenggarakan oleh Wahyu Handoko untuk memberdayakan perempuan dan laki-laki yang ingin membuat kekayaan, dia meminta kakaknya untuk membantu saya mengurus istri dan anak-anak saya, jadi kami pergi untuk konferensi. Setelah semua motivasi berbicara, dia bertanya kepada kami pertanyaan "Apakah Anda Siap Untuk Apa yang Diperlukan Untuk Menjadi Kaya" dengan berani di jemaat kecil itu, saya berdiri dan berkata "YA" dan kami semua diminta untuk datang keesokan harinya dengan rencana bisnis .
Kami pergi dan dia berbicara tentang bagaimana dia mendapatkan pinjamannya dan koneksinya melalui HELEN WILSON yang hebat, Pemberi Pinjaman online, segera saya takut, teman saya mendorong dan kami menghubungi Ibu Helen Wilson, seperti yang diarahkan oleh Wahyu Handoko dari konferensi. Saya dan teman saya mulai memproses sementara Pak Wahyu telah kembali, beberapa hari kemudian saya menerima telepon dari teman saya yang memberi tahu saya bahwa dia menerima peringatan dari bank, pinjamannya telah dilunasi, sudah terlambat sehingga saya tidak bisa pergi ke bank saya untuk konfirmasi, paginya pemberitahuan datang, akhirnya saya mendapat pinjaman sebesar 720 juta Rupiah dari Helen Wilson, setelah mengikuti proses hukum. kami diberi arahan untuk menyerahkan rencana bisnis kami dan meninggalkan uang di bank selama seminggu, kemudian Pak Handoko menelepon meminta kami untuk bertemu lagi yang kami patuhi, kami tiba di tempat itu dan melihat dampak orang asing terhadap perdagangan dan investasi, kami diberi kuliah dan kontak untuk mulai berinvestasi, dalam enam bulan melalui koneksi ibu Helen saya mulai mengimpor dan hari ini saya dan istri saya telah mendirikan dua perusahaan besar.
Saya ingin Anda semua tahu bahwa satu-satunya pemberi pinjaman sejati yang saya saksikan adalah Ms. HELEN WILSON, hubungi dia hari ini dan Anda akan mendapatkan perubahan positif dalam hidup Anda, ini email Anda dapat menghubungi saya di email saya, untuk konfirmasi. Perhatikan, ada banyak pemberi pinjaman palsu online untuk menipu Anda, merobek Anda dari uang hasil jerih payah Anda, harus dari mereka pergi sejauh menyiapkan situs web pribadi mereka hanya untuk menipu Anda, pinjaman yang mengarahkan Anda untuk mengunjungi situs web palsu, mereka semua penipu .
Jadi hubungi perusahaan induk Helen sekarang dan pinjaman Anda akan ditransfer kepada Anda saat Anda mengikuti proses hukum, sekali lagi ini adalah emailnya ( . ALLAH melihat hatiku dan dia tahu aku mengatakan yang sebenarnya dan tidak ada yang lain selain kebenaran.
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Saya mengajukan pinjaman 900 juta dengan tingkat bunga 2%, sehingga pinjaman disetujui tanpa tekanan dan semua pengaturan dilakukan pada transfer kredit, karena tidak memerlukan agunan dan jaminan untuk pinjaman transfer saya hanya diberitahu untuk mendapatkan sertifikat perjanjian lisensi aplikasi mereka untuk mentransfer kredit saya dan dalam waktu kurang dari 48 jam uang pinjaman telah disetorkan ke rekening bank saya.
Saya pikir itu lelucon sampai saya menerima telepon dari bank saya bahwa akun saya dikreditkan dengan jumlah 900 juta. Saya sangat senang akhirnya Allah menjawab doa saya dengan memesan pinjaman saya dengan pinjaman asli saya, yang memberi saya keinginan hati saya. Mereka juga memiliki tim ahli yang akan memberi tahu Anda tentang jenis bisnis yang ingin Anda investasikan dan bagaimana menginvestasikan uang Anda, sehingga Anda tidak akan pernah bangkrut lagi dalam hidup Anda. Semoga ALLAH memberkati Ibu Helen Wilson untuk membuat hidup saya mudah, jadi saya menyarankan siapa pun yang tertarik untuk mendapatkan pinjaman untuk menghubungi Ibu Helen melalui email: (
Ada perusahaan palsu online lainnya yang menggunakan kesaksian saya untuk mencapai keinginan egois mereka, saya satu-satunya dengan kesaksian yang benar ini, harap berhati-hati dengan orang-orang ini. Akhirnya saya ingin berterima kasih kepada Anda semua karena telah meluangkan waktu untuk membaca kesaksian hidup saya yang sebenarnya tentang kesuksesan saya dan saya berdoa agar Allah melakukan kehendak-Nya dalam hidup Anda. Sekali lagi nama saya Yeyes Ristintares, Anda dapat menghubungi saya untuk informasi lebih lanjut melalui email saya: